Alto Predict helps biomedical researchers find and use human cell-based alternatives to animals to advance human-relevant science for better decisions in drug discovery and product development.

We work with assay developers, biomedical researchers, regulators, industry consortia and startups to advance the development and application of these technologies for better, safer products. These alternatives, known as in vitro NAMs or novel alternative methods, range from simple 2-dimensional cell cultures to organoid-based and microphysiological systems (MPS) or organs-on-a-chip.

Alto Predict is creating data products to support easier access to and understanding of these technologies: a catalog of commercially available human in vitro NAMs and a knowledge base to guide the use of reference control compounds in assay qualification.

We are also building a discovery engine using proprietary relational ontologies applied to in vitro data sets from diverse, human-based assays and platforms to support program decisions, predict drug effects, and discover target functions.